It’s basically a large piece of (folded) cardboard that opens out to a full size cutting table. Photo at right shows it folded (size appx. 25cm wide x 1.25m depth) - but it can be opened out 6 times more giving you a max. total size of appx. 1.50m x 1.25m (see centre photo below).
It can be placed on the floor, on top of a bed, over a small table as well as on many other pieces of furniture that initially you are unable to use as a cutting table. It has series of pre-marked notations on it (eg. straight lines, curves, scallops, right-angles, measurements) so can be used for a wide variety of uses - including photography !! It's easily folded up so can be stored away simply plus you don’t have to open it out to full size to use it. I often use it over/across) the ironing board if/when I run out of space (fairly often!). Being cardboard, it's really light to carry and move around AND you can trace through any or all of the notations on to pattern paper.
Opened out full-size, it looks like this: